Adopt A Pet Michigan - Directory

Are you looking to adopt a pet in Michigan? This page on pet adoption in Michigan has been built to help you and Michigan Pet Rescues and Animal Shelters connect.

The directory is free to use, both for future pet adopters (to search for a rescue or shelter), and for legitimate rescue groups and animal shelters.

Please, no breeders and no listings of pets being given up

Michigan Adopt a Pet Directory – Submit your Rescue or Shelter below!

We are looking for submissions from local Michigan animal shelters, Humane Societies, SPCA's, dog rescues, cat rescues and any other legitimate rescue group.

Or … review your favorite Michigan Rescue or Shelter

If you have adopted a pet in Michigan from a shelter or rescue and had a positive experience, please tell us about it!

[If you are not looking to adopt a pet or list a shelter in Michigan, Leave Adopt a Pet Michigan Directory and return to Animal Rescue Shelters for other states and countries listings.]

Do you run a pet rescue or animal shelter in Michigan?

List your rescue or animal shelter in our directory. (no charge)

OR ... share a positive review of a shelter or rescue that you adopted from in Michigan

[ ? ]

Upload A Picture (optional) - A cute pet, your logo, or a picture of your building are great ideas.[ ? ]


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(first or full name)

(e.g., City, State, Country)

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  •  submission guidelines.

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